Our Goals
1. To develop the child’s functional developmental capacities to relate to others, communicate effectively whether happy or angry, interact with peers and adults, and to think.
2. To strengthen underlying processing abilities. These include the ability to listen, look, feel, move, think and talk. In the classroom the child is expected to be able to do all this at the same time.
3. To develop foundational processes that support higher levels of thinking and problem-solving. At Mighty Oaks, this means using nurturing interactions with staff to build strong roots, trunks and branches for the learning tree. Children learn to be independent and creative.
4. To expand the emotional range of experiences to support initiative, intentionality, reciprocity, flexibility, curiosity, organization, and collaboration.

5. To acquire the specific knowledge and tools necessary for learning academic content. We follow the MOE academic curriculum and integrate academics to hands-on activities too. This way children learn the foundation for reading, writing and mathematics during "work time" but also during play, cooking, science, and art.
(Modified from: Interdisciplinary Council on Developmental and Learning Disorders (USA, 2000)